Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Reputation on[the]line

Fellow blogger and Clientele fan Fire Escape Talking has noticed Clientele’s myspace post about Justine and my newspaper ads.

Being neither Irish, a good looking woman, resident of Kilburn or even called Justine, Fire Escape Talking cannot in all honesty be described as my ideal readership. Nonetheless, Fire Escape Talking turns out to be a stand up gentlemen called Ben, who writes on my dilemma with no little aplomb and humour. I would recommend his mirthful musings to all and sundry.

The Fire Escape Talking blog came to my attention after my good friend Adrian emailed me to inform me that I am making enemies all over the internet. I cannot let such smears against my character stand - I have a reputation (of sorts) to protect -and consequently feel forced to contact Ben to ask him to let people know I’m not quite such a antagonistic dick as is being portrayed. Ok, so perhaps ‘desperate’ and is a charge that even Johnnie Cochran would struggle to get me acquitted from (if the glove fits…), but I really don’t know who Harvey Williams or Nicky Haslam are either. FET is kind enough to put up my declaration of innocence which you can see here.

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